It takes approximately five steps before the first 'uh oh' pops into my head. Another five and it turns verbal! I can already imagine the agony that is going to be my friend for the rest of the day that I wear these high heeled, super cool, brilliant boots! I go through the day, with 'ow ow ooowwww' constantly punctuating my sentences. I literally fantasize about the time that I can go back home and take them off and walk barefoot...aahh..ecstacy!
New shoes? Shoe bites? First time? - answer to all that - NO!!!
Weird, but I do this at least once every two weeks. The pattern never changes, neither do the reactions and the sore feet. Why, why then do I ever wear heels? And almost every woman who has managed to stuff her feet into the traps of a stiletto knows what I am talking about and will vouch for the efficacy of the repeat folly!
Reasons may vary, but what drives me to wear my boots/heels is not at all to look taller (no matter how high my heels are I could never even manage to be as tall as K, forget taller!). Its a very subtle mix of emotions. The way they make me walk like I own the world, not to mention the smart click-click-clicks! I think heels give class to any outfit, be it skirts, trousers, jeans or even salwars.They are like the coriander garnishing to an excellent dish!
Believe me, given the choice between flat pumps and high heels, I would fall head over heels for the pumps! But, every once in a while (read, once in two weeks!) I get this urge to walk down that road, in those shoes, which make me look like I'm levitating a few inches off the ground!
Still, some people (and even I) wonder, why do we ever wear heels? I guess, this is really one of those aesthetic questions (e.g. why do we pluck out hair from our eyebrows?!) which just cannot be answered!!
cant wear heels... ripped all the tendons in my right ankle two years back in a bad accident and have been off them since because the doctor said so... and how i love that doctor... [:D]
I'm sorry about the accident Bubbles, if it makes you feel any better, you're not really missing anything!! =)
i love stilletos! =P can't live without them.
picked up a pair of boots recently and that YES, i must admit, is painful to wear. but still, anything for fashion and for looking foxy. *sighs*
i know. i suck! ={
Sigh. I have two beautiful pairs of stilettos that never get worn. They do unspeakable things to my back- but I can't bring myself to give them away.
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